

Windsong helps the fight against breast cancer

by Amy Collins

Cleveland-Windsong, Cleveland's Feminist Chorus, is still basking in the glow of accomplishment for a concert well sung. Their spring concert on Saturday, May 22 included a performance of "Where I Live: A Breast Cancer Oratorio" by Diane Benjamin, and raised funds for two local breast cancer organizations. This special cause attracted new singers, as well as new audience members.

One new singer exclaimed, "That was great! I'm hooked!" after soaking in the enthusiastic applause and standing ovation from the audience following the concert.

The chorus collaborated with many additional performing artists. Some members of the North Coast Men's Chorus joined Windsong for a satirical song about cancer, and sponsored a reception after the performance. Singers from Chicago women's cho-

Windsong performs 'Where I Live'

rus Artemis drove in to join on the oratorio. Narrations by experienced actresses separated the choral movements and represented personal reflections on everything from the initial shock of breast cancer diagnosis, to the indignities of receiving medical care, to the


environmental and chemical carcinogens present in our daily life. The choral movements echoed the poignancy of the narrations with beautiful harmonies and dramatic dissonances and rhythms and ended on a note of hope.

Windsong soprano Kathy Soltis is currently in treatment for breast cancer. Cancer was discovered in her breast as the chorus was in the early stages of planning to perform this work.

"Singing with friends is so healing," she says. "It was an important experience for me to be part of."

Soltis felt the message of the oratorio helped her to advocate for herself as she negotiated the health care system and recognize that, “I have a right to have people listen to me and not be treated like an object."

Windsong welcomes women interested in singing with or volunteering for the chorus regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, or physical abilities. For more information, call 216-739-1928.

Amy Collins is a member of Windsong, Cleveland's Feminist Chorus.

Town hall meeting to discuss marriage in Ohio

by John Farina

Cleveland-Cleveland LGBT Pride, with the support of the Human Rights Campaign of Cleveland, Freedom to Marry and Ohioans

for Growth and Equality, will be presenting a town hall meeting on June 10.

This will be an opportunity for members of the LGBT community and our allies to learn where things are headed in Ohio and nation-

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wide on same-sex marriage. Topics to be discussed will include:

Legal marriage in Massachusetts and the impact on the rest of the nation;

• The Federal Marriage Amendment to the U.S. Constitution;

• A possible ballot initiative to amend Ohio's constitution this November;

Why gay and lesbian couples want the right to marry;

• What can be done in the community to support same-sex marriage.

Panelists will include Evan Wolfson, executive director of Freedom to Marry and one of Time's most influential people, Tim Downing, chair of Ohioans for Growth and Equality and member of the board of directors of HRC, and Keli Zehnder and Deb Smith, a couple

raising their family in Cleveland Heights. The

discussion will be followed by a question and answer session.

The event is free and open to the public. It will take place on Thursday, June 10 at 6 pm at Trinity Commons, 2210 Euclid Ave. in Cleveland.

Trinity Commons has free parking in its lot off Prospect Ave. behind Trinity Cathedral.

Cleveland LGBT Pride is the organizer of the Cleveland Pride Parade and Festival on June 19, 2004 at Voinovich Park. Ohioans for Growth and Equality is a statewide LGBT advocacy organization. The Human Rights Campaign is the largest LGBT advocacy organization in the U.S. with over 500,000 members. Freedom to Marry is a gay and nongay partnership to win marriage equality nationwide.

John Farina is a member of the HRC Steering Committee and the OGE board.

Until there's a cure...

...we're all working together.

If you'd like to volunteer, offer financial support, get involved or learn more, call 216.621.0766.




2728 Euclid Avenue #400 Cleveland, OH 44115
